

To Botox or Not to Botox, that is the Question?


First, I just want to say for those of you reading this, unpack your concerns right this moment. Yes, there are many concerns, questions, and emotions when the very word Botox is spoken. Botox is a multi-faceted topic, and rightfully…

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What’s in your Microblading pigment?

Brows, Microblading

A potential client sent me something and it reminded me of another client I had almost a year ago that told me of a similar reaction she had to the pigment used in her Microblading. I struggle with not saying…

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Have you had Microblading done that didn’t last long?

Brows, Microblading

Have you had Microblading done that didn’t last long?  Or maybe you have a friend that said theirs didn’t last long either?  Ugh. So frustrating, right?    First, let’s determine what long really means, shall we?  Microblading is supposed to be semi-permanent,…

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Why choose a Phibrows Artist?

Brows, Microblading

Microblading is a procedure that more and more people are starting to become aware of. However, not all microblading is the same. Education and skill is very different based on each state’s laws surrounding education and training. It can be…

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Why Are Eyebrows so Important?

Brows, Microblading

Why are eyebrows so important? When I was little I was asked in school, what I thought was the most important feature on someone’s face. My classmates named off all kinds of features and their reasoning. Some of them were valid and some were more hilarious.…

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